Founder Stories Episode 8 - The power of your network with Steve Orton

Your network is your net worth! But how do you leverage it?

Today I'm talking about networking and partnerships!

It's so important to leverage partnerships, whether you have a product or service based business.

But how many of you actually study how best to do this and what the benefits are?

Steve Orton and I sat down to discuss all things networking and partnerships in the latest episode of Founder Stories.

It was an absolute pleasure to have him in the studio. Even I learnt so much from him which I'm going to take back and implement into my routines.

For those of you that don't know him he's one of the biggest influencers in the health & fitness industry having created events such as Body Power and Performx.

If you want to grow your business using the power of networks, events and partnerships this is a must watch*

*also available as an audio Podcast

Links are below!

If you would like to be on my Podcast, have a business with sales between 250k and 5m then goto the link below to apply to be a guest :)

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